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WILDE W DE & BRAAKSMA S (1973) Short announcements: Breeding census in the Dollard-area. LIMOSA 46 (1): 91-91.

A breeding census in the Dollard-area between the so called Punt van Reide near Termunten and the German border from the 23th till the 25th May 1972 showed a considerable increase of the local population of the Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta L. A total of about 685 breeding pairs proved to be present. Another 60 pairs were breeding on arable land in the neighbouring Johannes Kerkhovenpolder. It is likely that the increase of the Avocets in the Dollar-area is a consequence, of the reclaiming of the former Lauwerszee. The presence of three pairs of the Marsh-harrier Circus aeruginous L., at least seven pairs of Moorhen Gallinula chloropus (1) and a same number of Coot Fulica atra L. seems worth to be mentioned, because these species usually prefer fresh water-areas. Moorhen nests have also been seen here in previous years, but from Marsh-harrier and Coot it was the first time that clutches have been found. A new breeding-species was the Bearded tit Panurus biarmicus L., of which six males and two females were seen in the only partly investigated reedbelts. Two of the observed males carried food in their bills. All birds uttered alarmcalls. Some other interesting observations were f.i. a singing male of the Com bunting Emberiza Calandra L. and a male of the English form of the Yellow wagtail Motacilla flavarissima (Blyth). Both species are supposed to be breeding on near arable land. A migrating White stork Ciconia ciconia L. and about 17000 Dunlin Calidris alpina L. were the most remarkable observations amongst the nonbreeding birds, that were present on and above the not yet reclaimed part of the Dollard-area. It is very regrettable that this bird-paradise will lose much of its attraction by the fact that most of the present salt-marshes and mudflats will be surrounded by a dike next year ...

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limosa 46.1 1973
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