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OUWENEEL GL (1971) Short announcements: Less moulting Grey Lag Geese at the Haringv1iet in 1971. LIMOSA 44 (3): 189-189.

In the summer of 1971 only 400 Grey Lag Geese moulted at the Haringvliet in the Netherlands. In 1969, 1000-1200 geese and in 1970 about 600 geese moulted there. On the 22nd and 23rd of May moult-migration was observed at Ameland, one of the Waddenis1ands, north of the Netherlands: two flights of respectively 18 and 14 geese were seen flying in a south-westerly direction Greylag Goose Anser anser

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limosa 44.3 1971
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