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IMPE J VAN (1971) A third record of Sushkins Bean Goose from the Netherlands. LIMOSA 44 (3): 102-104.

On 10 January 1971 a specimen of the Sushkin's Bean Goose (Anser mglectus Sushkin) was observed near Asten (province of N oord-Brabant) in the periphery of a big flock of ? 600 Bean Geese of the taiga type, Anser f. fabalis. Conditions of observation were excellent and this goose was easily recognized by the pinkish coloration of the bill and the legs. The shape of bill was as in A. f. fabalis, slender and elongated, without a visible curvature of the lower mandible. No other plumage differences in comparison with the surrounding Bean Geese were observed. It was a bird in adult plumage and, when walking, it was not possible to detect any family connection. A short review of the history of Sushkin's Bean Goose is given. Records became scarce after 1930 and since the second world war, the only records mentioned were a probable sightrecord published by Rutschke (1962) and a specimen caught in January 1963, also in the province of Noord-Brabant (Voous, 1963). It seems that this remarkable colour variation of the Bean Goose is actually almost extinct. Sushkin's Goose Anser neglectus = Anser fabalis neglectus

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