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TEKKE MJ (1971) Irruption of Hawfinches Coccothraustes coccothraustes in 1969 and 1970. LIMOSA 44 (1): 19-22.

From April 1969 till May 1970 Hawfinches Coccothraustes corrothraustes have ben observed - sometimes in considerable numbers - on places where they never or seldom occur; there is no evidence of an increase of our breeding-population with the exception of 2 places in the middle of the country. In 1969 42 birds have been ringed; the total of both years is not yet known, but may be about 100. Only one long distance recovery is known from these years. In Great Britain and Ireland there were several records in autumn 1969 and spring 1970, suggesting unusual movements. After the breeding-season 1969 and the winter 1969/1970 a corresponding invasion has been observed in Germany, not only in the northern but also in the southern part of the country (Niedersachsen). A considerable number of birds has been ringed there. It is hoped that it soon can be proved that birds observed in the Netherlands are of German origin and finally that more birds recovered in Great Britain bare rings from the continent of Europe, a supposition existing for a long time Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes

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limosa 44.1 1971
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