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MARLE JG VAN & DEELDER, CL (1971) Annual Report of the Vogeltrekstation about 1967 - 1970. LIMOSA 44 (1): 1-2.

Annual Report of the Vogeltrekstation about 1967 - 1970 The Vogeltrekstation Foundation was established on December 13, 1930 the objective of achieving the establishment of an ornithological station on the island TexeI. For reasons of financieIe nature, however, soon decided to money available to spend on investments, but to promote scientific research in the field of bird migration. For housing has long enjoyed hospitality at the then Zoological station of the Dutch Animal Protection Society at The Clear. The Foundation conducted under the auspices of the research was specifically aimed the behavior of migrating birds in relation to the overflown site and in the direction of choice, ie the orientation problem. The good thing about this low level of resources created research has done much that the bird migration research after the war a more solid basis of subsidies received by the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences. As a next step, the program In 1954 fully incorporated into the new, founded by the Academy, Institute of Ecology (LO.o.). The staff of the Foundation These included into the service of this institution. Can be established that The LO.O. fully meets the needs of modern bird migration research. The Foundation continued to exist afterwards. Although the idea was to Texel drive to establish a long-abandoned, but the board felt good to do the research to continue supporting financially, so the continuity research to ensure the pull. That has proved that this study has obtained a permanent place within the program the LO.O., the argument for the institution of private side continue subsidizing lapse. For this reason, in 1969 at the 1970 and held board meetings, in consultation with the LO.O. decided to the grant from the Foundation to withdraw. Following this, it was decided that the Foundation's research available cash will spend itself by private initiatives in bird migration research support, we consult with the afde1ing Vogeltrekstation of 1.0.0., which represented the Stiehtingsbestuur will be. Gedaeht is hereby example to: develop new trapping agents, the ringing of little ringed species, and to travel for observations with a good omsehreven do!. Ret is also intended that the annual report of the Stiehting after commencement of this scheme in 1971, and another character will get a overzieht will give the bovenverme1de activities. Ret LO.O. remains ready for the annual data for besehikking questions about the progress of the study of bird migration at the Institute. Ret Board of Stiehting confident that the new scheme the for a new circle of interested parties will make it attractive financieIe support. In the Board did ziehen the following changes. Messrs. L. F. the Beaufort, Brouwer, Large, Eijgenraam, Rendriehs, Klomp and Strijbos occurred off. Mr. Deelder seeretariaat took over and as new! Oaths were appointed Mrs. Dr. E. M. Gruys-Casimir, Dr.. A. J. Cave and Mr B. J. Saliva, the latter two as representatives of the 1.0.0. On behalf of the Board

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