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KIST J (1970) The Avifauna of Belgium. LIMOSA 43 (3): 78-97.

The Avifauna of Belgium Under the tite1 'Avifauna of Belgium, Belgium in the list of observed voge1soorten and their geographical forms (The Gyrfalcon, 1967, 3-4, p.. 273-363) published by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences created Commission for the Belgian Avifauna avifaunistische a list, which afford all available data until December 31 1966 have been processed. This list Voigt afford all respects in the schematic design of our Avifauna of the Netherlands (1962), not with respect to the scientific aileen names and systematic order, Attn maarook avifaunistische status of species and the quantitative assessment of the occurrence. the Commission has even followed the Dutch in our current bird names, so a greater uniformity in the Dutch language to achieve. Accordingly, the Belgian Commission on happily a direct comparison of the two avifaunae facilitated and provoked. The list comprises 349 species BeIgische. Since the end of the list Belgium benefited from the fall of Bladkoninkjes invasion in 1967 (two catches), so the Belgian totaaI is now 350 species. our avifauna has 377 species, ie 357 species listed in AIs' Avifauna of the Netherlands , plus 20 new species listed in three Medede1ing and 4 of the Commission for the Dutch Avifauna (Limosa 37, 1964, no 3-4, and Limosa 41, 1968, No. 3-4). Both of these totals as the Voigt status groups:

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