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ZUYLEN O VAN (1968) Second record of American Seater Melanitta nigra americana in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 41 (1): 19-20.

American Scoter = American Seater Melanitta americana Second record of American Seater (Melanitta nigm americana) in the Netherlands. On 2 November 1967 an adult male of Melanitta nigra americana was observed on the coast of the island of Texel. As it landed on the shore it was caught by hand. The bird was underneath covered with black oil residue and died the next night. Its skin is preserved in the Zoological Museum of the University of Amsterdam (reg. no. 19456). It is the second record of an American Scoter in the Netherlands (cf. Ardea 43, 1955: 132-134). Elsewhere in Europe ithas not yet been found.

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