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VOOUS KH (1963) Two geopraphic forms of the Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita new for the Netherlands avifauna.. LIMOSA 36 (3): 152-153.

Scandinavian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita abietinus (Nilsson 1819, Stjprdalen, Nord-Trpnde1ag, Norway; not "Sweden", see: Holgersen 1955). First record for the Netherlands: 31 October 1960, Lightship "Texel". Zoological Museum Amsterdam Nr. 14879. Phylloscopus co/lybita fulvescens (Severtzov 1872, Turkestan). First specimen collected in the Netherlands: t, 18 October 1962, De Koog, Texel Island. Zoological Museum Amsterdam Nr. 16764. One sight record by a group of experienced field observers on 10 Oct

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