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DEKKER D (1963) Notes on two series of Collared Turtle Doves from the Netherlands. LIMOSA 36 (3): 141-148.

Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto Two series of Collared Turtle Doves from the Netherlands were examined. Each of them consisted of birds shot for control measures near Harderwijk, province of Gelderland, March 1962 (73 S S, 64 'i? 'i?) and January 1963 (15 S S, 15 'i? 'i?), respectively. Males from the January series had without exception very small testes; on this basis no differentiation between first year birds and older ones could be made. Part of the January-females had straight and thin, therefore not yet used, oviducts; these birds probably were young from the previous year (60% of female specimens examined). In contrast to this, gonad examination showed all March birds to be in a reproductive condition. Half the number of birds from January were moulting wing- and tail-feathers. Moulting time therefore differs from that mentioned by Niethammer (1962) in Collared Turtle Doves from Cologne, Germany, in which moult of wing- and tail-feathers took place from July until September. Moult of body-plumage was found both in January and March. The March-birds possessed a freshly renewed body-plumage, enabling us to recognize in the series male birds by the vinaceous-grey colour tone of the breast. March-females were lacking this grey shade over the feathers and so did the January-birds in their old, worn plumage. As the breeding season in the Netherlands is considerably protracted, lasting until October, the moulting time of the Collared Turtle Doves in this country can be described both as a winter-moult and as a post-nuptial moult. The measurements of wing and tail are given; they closely agree with those from Cologne and the Balkan (Niethammer 1962).

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