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WENTZE L RSW (1962) Various Storks on the market Zwolle. LIMOSA 35 (1): 183-183.

The Prov. Overijssel and Zwolsche Courant, July 31, 1939, is an article written by Mr. J. Geesink, then archivist of Zwolle community: Storks on the market. Among the most visitors ongenoode of fish markets were anciently The storks, then on the roofs of churches and convents within the cities like to build their nests, but then also went there on the market. so did The Hague, according to the accounts of 1468, the five already Gravenhof storks' nests. Two animal storks were among the most faithful visitors of Vischmarkt. They had filled them with hay loft and were therefore disturbed by anyone, rather they were so well cared for that even one of these birds already v66r the 16th century took place in the Hague municipal arms.

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