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KNIPPENBERG WHT (1962) Short announcements: Six specimens of Gyps fulvus in the Netherlands during the last winter of the second. LIMOSA 35 (1): 165-165.

Eurasian Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus On Oktober 4th, 1944 six specimens of the Griffon Vulture were seen between Schijndel and St. Oedenrode, Province of Northern Brabant. The corridor to Nijmegen and Arnhem ran through S1. Oedenrode, whereas Schijndel was in the hands of the Germans. In the no man's land between these places the Vultures fed upon killed cattle lying in the meadows. Shortly after three of the birds were shot by the English. Two of them now are in a private collection, whereas the third was bought by a Natural History Museum in St. Michie1sgestel, Northern Brabant.

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