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BRAAKSMA S, KNIPPENBERG WHT & LANGENHOFF V (1962) Some breeding birds in Noord-Brabant. LIMOSA 35 (1): 160-164.

British Stonechat Saxicola rubicola = Saxicola torquata Available in the older literature is the breading of the Stonechat in England whey listed, but unfortunately no details and nesting habitat (see Koller, 1888 and Snouckaert, 1908). The only city in particular in the older literature was found The statement that the kind of Oirschot bird pole was called (Albarda, 1897). On further assessment has been shown that the Stonechat in Ontario is a common breeding bird on the sandy soils. In the clay polders contrast, the species appears to occur only rarely. All this is in line with the Communication Raverschmidt (1942), that the species breeds mainly on sandy soil. This called the Stonechat a fairly common breeding bird on small heath fields, where sparse vegetation of small trees (vliegdennen!) should not be missing, in the dunes, reclamation and young plantations, overgrown vacant terreintjes rugged and railway embankments. This is a habitat description, which according to the information we collect Brabant also completely correspond with the facts, provided one under oak dunes sand dunes

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limosa 35.1 1962
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