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TIMMERMAN A (1962) The Redcrested Pochard Netta rufina in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 35 (1): 28-39.

The Red-crested Pochard is a palearctic diving duck breeding mainly around the Caspian Sea and the Aral Lake and wintering in the South and South-West of Asia. In the Western Mediterranean there is a small breeding colony which is a remnant of the principal area. Since 1900 the Red-crested Pochard has been seen more and more frequently in new breeding and halting places in Western Europe. In the Netherlands, a colony of 5 to 10 pairs usually breeds on lakes in the province of Utrecht and in 1961 also on the Veluwe-meer (see Map 1). Although the colony is not enlarging, there are prospects that the Red-crested Pochard will become a breeding bird elsewhere in this country, after the completion of the IJsselmeer polders. The bird was a rare visitor until 1948, when it came every year in greater numbers (see Fig. 1) until, in the autumn of 1953, about 650 individuals were seen on the Zwartemeer reserve. Since then the numbers have decreased although at the present day several birds can still be seen in the autumn (see Table 1).From a survey of the breeding places in Western Europe it appears that the Redcrested Pochard is seeking new breeding grounds and halting places in North-Western Europe. A few observations in recent years indicate that more Red-crested Pochards came to West European feeding grounds than the number of breeding birds from Europe itself; as only one ring result is available, the origin of these birds is not clear - they are probably birds from Western Asiatic breeding grounds and their movements may have been due to climatological changes. Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina

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