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BLOK AA & SPAANS AL (1962) On the occurrence of the Redpoll, Carduelis flammea (Linnaeus), as a breeding-bird in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 35 (1): 4-16.

In the breeding-season of 1960 and 1961 the authors again and again observed Redpolls on Vlieland, one of the Frisian Islands. Already in 1960 it was supposed, that the Redpoll might be breeding on the island. This supposition was reinforced when a juvenile Redpoll was observed no less than four times at June 22nd, 1960 and also when 33 Redpolls, including 22 juveniles, were caught by means of mist-nets in the period of 4th up to 23rd of August, 1960. The subspecies of all these birds was cabaret. In 1961 the breeding could be asserted with certainty: at June 9th a nest with six eggs was found quite by accident (see fig. 1). The number of breeding-birds was estimated at 60-100; in 1960 the number was somewhat higher than in 1961. The population in 1960 consisted for the greater part of first-year birds. Before 1960 this species may have been breeding on the island incidentally. But as to the larger numbers it is a question of a recent settlement. The origin of these birds is to be found in Great Britain. It is probable, that migration on a large scale has taken place after the succesful breeding-season in that country in 1959. The last decennia Redpolls were observed in the Netherlands several times during the summer-months. The occurrence was very local (the Frisian Islands and the dunes near The Hague) and had an invasion-like character. In 1942 a case of breeding was asserted on the island of Terschelling. It is probable however, in view of the observations in the thirties and fourties, that this was not the only case in those years. Breeding is now certain, owing to the observations of the last few years, on the Frisian Islands of Texel, Vlieland and Terschelling. On Texel the breeding of the Redpoll probably takes place only incidentally, on Terschelling, however, it is perhaps somewhat more common. Unidentified Redpoll Carduelis cabaret/flammea

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