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LATHBURY G & BIERMAN WH (1962) American Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanoros on Texel. LIMOSA 35 (1): 2-3.

Calidris melanotos Pectoral Sandpiper When watching birds on the isle of Texel in the North of Holland in the company of Mrs. Elisabeth Bierman on September 20th., 1961, we were for some time engaged in observing the Ruffs, and particularly their wellknown variation in size and in the colouring of the legs, going from grey and greenish to yellow and even orange. These birds, all in winter plumage now, were feeding in the pools and ditches along the sea-wall on the E. side of the island. Eventually we discovered what we first thought to be quite the smallest reeve we had seen so far, feeding in some vegetation near the dyke S. of the polder Eendracht, but when the bird flew up to a Redshank standing close by we saw that so small a bird could not possibly be a reeve. Closer inspection then revealed more distinctive characters, foremost the abrupt ending of the streaked breast, contrasting with the almost purely white belly. And the bird called on flying away, a fairly loud note we put down as triek, triek, triek, the difficulty always being that people of different nationality tend to hear different words in a bird call. After the first excited argument that probably is one of the main attractions of our ornithological adventures, we quickly came to the conclusion that this bird should be an American Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos),

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