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BIERMAN WH (1961) Delden excursion on 8 and 9 April 1961. LIMOSA 34 (3): 285-285.

Delden excursion on 8 and 9 April 1961 After the failed attempt on the tours in 1952 and 1957, when it is not possible found the birds to get, these days we could describe as the whey excursion to popularization of the Middle Spotted Woodpecker (Dendre: ocopos medius). The approximately 50 participants were all able to offer this rare bird his mating call, previously a Water Rail than a woodpecker resembles, well to hear and see. Except that he still sounds strange cry, which relationship with the other woodpeckers betray, but just as characteristic of The 800rt are. The behavior, more that of a small grate, then a small Great Spotted Woodpecker, could be considered excellent, with features such as field The whole bovenkop red, wine red and beige onderstaartdekveren side, which muisachtige pale face with the weak beak is most characteristic turn out. Dt'ie at locations in the forest of these birds were found in old Twickel oak to carve out a nest cavity, but they constantly over long distances move frequently and silent, it seems impossible the number of breeding pairs accurately determine.

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limosa 34.3 1961
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