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SOLLIE JF (1961) Dotterels nesting Charadrius morinellus in the Netherlands, at 4 metres below sea-lwei. LIMOSA 34 (3): 274-276.

Eurasian Dotterel Charadrius morinellus In the spring of 1961 the dotterel was first met breeding in the Netherlands. In the Northeastpolder two nests were found respectively on the 5th of May and on the 6th of June, the distance between the nests being about 6 kilometres. The two nests contained 3 eggs each. From the first nest only two eggs hatched, on the 3rd of June. From the second aU three hatched, on the 7th of June. The first breeding-case could be watched from start to finish. The breeding lasted 27 days. It is remarkable that the birds, though nesting rather high on their usual breedinggrounds, in the Northeastpolder had their nests at 'I metres below sea-level. The two nests lay on arable land and in a radius of two hundred metres there were no trees or bushes. The Northeastpolder is one of the new polders in the former Zuyderzee. Migrating dotterels can be observed here every year during springtime.

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limosa 34.3 1961
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