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TEKKE MJ (1961) Scientific Meeting on October 22, 1960 at the Zoological Museum in Utrecht.. LIMOSA 34 (1): 166-166.

Present were 107 members and guest programs. In his opening remarks, the Chairman announced that the lecture announced by Dr.. L. Razor could not continue due to illness of the speaker, but that Prof. K. H. Voous had agreed to show some slides of Swedish biotopes. The subject De Kievit Mortality in the dry summer of 1959 was Prof. Dr. K. H. Voous treated. Received a number of dead was Lapwings by him and by some specialists including dood30orzaak examined, age, sex, stomach contents, parasites and general condition. This resulted in interesting results emerged, although the material investigated is too small was certain to draw conclusions. The film Highland Birds by GEORGE EDWARDS and CHRISTOPHER MYLNE, initiated and illustrated by K. ZWEERES, experienced much acclaim. The best parts were closeups of the birds, we could not help feeling we that exposure and focus here and there needed to be improved been. Through adversity to the projection apparatum ended the meeting - Without any such slides - an advanced um.

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limosa 34.1 1961
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