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KIST J & MAALDRINK D (1961) First record of the Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 34 (1): 12-15.

Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta On August 12th and 14th, 1960, a Melodious Warbler, Hippolais polyglotta (Vieillot), was seen in a small orchard in Wierden (province of Overijssel). It was an olive-brown bird with pale yellow underparts from chin to under tail-coverts and it did not show a light supercilium nor a light patch on the wing which in the field is characteristic for an Icterine Warbler, Hippolais ieterina. The broadbased bill had a dark upper mandible and a flesh-coloured under mandible; the gape was of .a bright orange. The legs were of a nondescript brownish-flesh colour and definitely not greyish blue. Several times it was observed that the Wing-tips did not reach farther than the midst of the upper tail-coverts. A sort of sub-song was repeatedly heard: a very soft ':Ind babbling warble which had nothing in common with the song of the Icterine Warbler. The bird was very tame and could be observed at a distance of less than 3 m. This is the first record of the Melodious Warbler in the Netherlands

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