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REUVER HJA DE (1960) Short contributions: Odd behavior of Starling Sturnus vulgaris. LIMOSA 33 (3): 208-208.

On January 4, 1959 I saw in a meadow under Kethel municipality Schiedam, a Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) with Starling on the back. The Fieldfare tried all kinds of movements and wing flaps to get rid of the Starling, which is not easy successful. It took at least half a minute before the Starling jumped on his back. Then the conditions are Fieldfare spring cleaning. The Starling went quietly foraging and gave no further attention to his victim. The way. which Starling on the back of the Fieldfare was, I did not think in an attempt to copulate, because he bled quietly standing Starling Sturnus vulgaris

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limosa 33.3 1960
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