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SASSE VAN YSSELT PR VAN (1959) Short announcements: New records of the Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 32 (4): 223-223.

From June 1st-at least September 3d, 1959 a specimen of the Black Guillemot, on July 5th apparently in worn-off first year's plumage, stayed in the harbour of the Frisian isle of Vlieland. On Sepember 2nd, 1959 a juveniele specimen of this species was watched off shore near Wassenaar (The Hague), Province of Zuid Holland; finally it was observed at a distance of 2 metres. These are the 8th and 9th records for the Netherlands Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle

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limosa 32.4 1959
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