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SASSE VAN YSSELT PR VAN (1959) Short announcements: New records of the Marsh-Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 32 (4): 222-222.

Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis On May 22nd, 1959 specimen of the Marsh,Sandpiper was observed in the Polder Oostelijk Flevoland, the newly reclaimed part of the former Zu;derzee, with 10 X 50 glasses and a 20 X telescope. On September 15th of the same year another specimen, which according to the observers certainly belonged to this species, was watched at a distance of 25 metres for at least half an hour with a 7 X 35 glass in one of the small lakes in the dunes near The Hague, Province of Zuid Holland. For the first records in the Netherlands see Limosa 32, p. 117

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limosa 32.4 1959
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