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KIST J (1959) The Greenland white-fronted goose Anser albifrons flavirostris new to Netherlands. LIMOSA 32 (4): 188-191.

Greenland White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons flavirostris The Greenland white-fronted goose Anser albifrons flavirostris new to Netherlands On December 15, 1957 Klatte names, and I Tekke near Willemstad to near the confluence in Hollands Diep, Haringvliet Volkerak floodplains located a flock of about 500 White-fronted Geese true. When we saw this mess from the dyke in the spectator names caught our eye on two adult white-fronted geese, which were significantly darker than the surrounding geese. not only The uppers were a darker impression, but also the component and cattle were! heavier black banded. In one of the Birds banding was actually no more, for all lower chest and abdomen were solid black with irregular black spurs along the sides. While the geese are on fairly large were away, we could - thanks to the sunny weather - at careful further consideration then further conclude that the beak of the two copies are not pink but clear orange yellow was, and something more to yellow than orange yellow zwemend paws.

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limosa 32.4 1959
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