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MULDER T & PHILIPPONA J (1959) Short announcements:The varieties of the Greylag Goose Anser anser in the Netherlands. LIMOSA 32 (1): 70-70.

Greylag Goose Anser anser Eastern Greylag Goose Anser anser rubrirostris The vast majority of our country by migratory Greylag Geese are to the Western form Anser anser anser (L.). the last years are also observed birds from the nominal shape diverge. These may belong to the Grey Goose Eastern form, Anser anser rubrirostris Swinh. or to the mixed population, which occurs in Russia and was also found in Lake Neusiedl in Austria. See LEBEN RING (1957) and Ten Kate (1957).

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limosa 32.1 1959
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