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SPAANS AL (1959) First record of the Ross Meeuw Rhodostethia rosea op Vlieland. LIMOSA 32 (1): 1-7.

The author observed a specimen of the Ross's Gull on the island of Vlieland on June 6th, 1958. It was identified as Ross's Gull on account of the presence of a dark ring around the neck, the small black bill, the red legs and feet, the pale coloured underside of the wings, the wedge-formed tail and the absence of black on the upperside of the wings, except on the outer web of the second primary. Though in adult plumage, the head and breast were not rose flushed. It took five days before the specimen could be caught in a primitive net. After having been measured and ringed it was set free again. The worn condition of the tail-feathers made it difficult to observe the wedge-form of the tail. The measurements showed, however, that the middle tail-feathers were undoubtedly longer than the outer ones. Twice the bird has been seen swimming. Foraging always took place in a muddy part on the edge of a pool in a small polder. It rested in a sitting attitude. The specimen has been found dead 7 km from the place of ringing on July 15th, 1958

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