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KLEEFSTRA R (2018) Andermans veren. LIMOSA 91 (2): 88-92.

KLEEFSTRA R Kleine Alken zuigen
Enstipp M.R., S. Descamps, J. Fort & D. Grémillet 2018. Almost like a whale - first evidence of suction feeding in a seabird. Journal of Experimental Biology 221, 182170.

KLEEFSTRA R De trans-Atlantische vlucht van de Grauwe Franjepoot
Smith M., M. Bolton, J.D. Okill, P. Harris, G. Petrie, R. Riddington & J.D. Wilson 2018. Further evidence of transatlantic migration routes and Pacific wintering grounds of Red-necked Phalaropes breeding in Shetland. British Birds 111: 428-437.

KLEEFSTRA R Koeien lopen Tureluurs in de weg
Sharps E., J. Smart, L.R. Mason, K. Jones, M.W. Skov, A. Garbutt & J.G. Hiddink 2017. Nest trampling and ground nesting birds: Quantifying temporal and spatial overlap between cattle activity and breeding redshank. Ecology and Evolution 2017: 6622-6633.

KLEEFSTRA R Het is maar net waar de Geelpootmeeuw vandaan komt
Kralj J., L. Jurinović, S. Barišić, D. Ciković & V. Tutiš 2018. Apparent survival rates of a long-lived partial migrant: the Yellowlegged Gull Larus michahellis. Bird Study 65: 189-196.

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limosa 91.2 2018
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