KLAASSEN R, SCHAICH AE, BOUTEN W, BOTH C & KOKS BJ (2014) sults of year-round tracking of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus breeding in the agricultural landscape of East-Groningen. LIMOSA 87 (2): 135-148.
A small breeding population (3-5 pairs) of Hen Harriers
recently established in the east of the province of Groningen,
the Netherlands, in large scale arable farmland. We equipped
three adults, two males and one female, with UvA-BiTS GPS
loggers to study home ranges and habitat use throughout
the year (Fig. 1). One breeding male could be tracked during
two subsequent summers (late nestling phase in 2012, prebreeding
and incubation phase in 2013 (Fig. 2)). Although
he nested in the same area, he used different home ranges
in these subsequent years (overlap only 21%). Habitat use
was similar between years. Most time was spent in (winter)
cereals (60%) and grassland (22%), two crops that dominate
in the study area (availability is 42 and 24%, respectively).
Moreover, set-aside habitats, which are especially created
and managed for breeding harriers, were preferred (4%
used, 1% available). One breeding pair was tracked after
their nest failed (Fig. 4). These non-breeding birds occupied
much smaller summer home ranges. In addition, they
used set-aside habitat much more intensively (up to 22%),
until the start of the cereal harvest when they switched to
using cereal stubbles. During the summer the female made
three subsequent trips to Northwest Germany (Fig. 3). One
male spent the winter in Spain, in an agricultural area near
Olivenza (Fig. 6). Autumn and spring migration took 98
and 14 days, including 81 and 1 stopover days, respectively.
The other individuals (one male and one female) spent the
winter near the breeding area (Fig. 5). Loggers could not
record positions during mid-winter as solar panels could
not keep the batteries charged. Habitat use in winter was
dominated by grassland (62%). Set-aside was also preferred
(5%). The female made an 8-day mid-winter excursion to a
nearby wetland area (Weerribben, Fig. 5).
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