Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union


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Laiolo P. (2003) Ecological and behavioural divergence by foraging Red-billed Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and Alpine Choughs P. graculus in the Himalayas. ARDEA 91 (2): 273-277
I assess the extent of ecological and behavioural segregation of syntopic Red-billed and Alpine Chough in eastern Himalayas in November, through a comparative analysis of habitat use, flocking and foraging behaviour. Alpine Chough mainly occurs in juniper forests whereas Red-billed chough largely relies on terraced pastures in villages. This pattern of habitat use is mainly dictated by differences in foraging behaviour and diet: in this season, Alpine Chough is frugivorous and chiefly depends on juniper berries, whereas Red-billed Chough prefers to dig soil in terraced pastures. I found a close association between Red-billed Chough and villages, where pastures are managed through extensive and traditional farming practices. Red-billed and Alpine Chough flocks significantly differ in size, and the latter tends to form larger groups, possibly in relation to the clumped nature of its favourite food, i.e. berries

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